Untold Millions are Still Untold

Untold millions are still untold
Untold millions are still outside the fold

Who will tell them of Jesus’ love
And the heavenly mansions awaiting above
Jesus died on Calvary to save each one from sin

Now he calls to you and to me
To go and bring them in
For many untold millions are still untold
Untold millions are outside the fold
Who will tell them of Jesus’ love
And the heavenly mansions awaiting above

The Gospel song was from my youth, the church promoted having a vision for the lost and then reaching the lost with prayer, tracts, Bibles, service, evangelism and Faith Promise Missions giving every paycheck to provide for the missionaries.

The mission of the church was founded on pleasing God, this years Faith Promise Missions will adopt Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

The Goal is for the power of each saved person to reach the millions one at a time. Our plan is as follows: 1. Pray for missions, one missionary a day and one unsaved family or friend or neighbor each day. 2. One dollar gift each week for missions: for those who have never given faithfully start with one dollar per week, for those who are giving trust God for to increase your giving for missions, one dollar more. 3. One tract per week, you be a missionary by distributing personally one tract each week to one person for their salvation in the Lord. 4. One missionary Ministry each month, you are being asked to start in one area as a substitute or as a helper or as a leader once each month: Master’s Club, Van Ministry, Food Pantry, Door to Door Visitation, Trustee. 5. One letter a month to a missionary, write and send out one letter of encouragement. 6. One mission trip this year, plan for it and then go on it with our church to help the lost to know Jesus. 7. One missionary family to be taken on by the church in faith to see His Word go forth.

There are untold millions, that need the Lord and our church will work together for one at a time through faith promise missions.

Not Ashamed of the Gospel,
Pastor Jackson

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