Next Step Sunday on, March 5


This is our Next Step Sunday on, March 5. What that means is our church family has a vision for the future of our community to please God, and it includes a measured remodeling and expansion as God provides. The church plant shouldn’t hinder church ministry like ladies’ classes or children’s classes by not having adequate classrooms, and our goal is to raise funds through offerings to see this come to fruition soon, maybe even this year. God is able, after all.

Meanwhile, together the church over the past few The Next Step campaigns has made the following improvements with our people doing the work, giving the gifts, and applying for grants: we paid off our building debt completely, we have upgraded our lighting, air conditioners, comfortable seating, nursery updates, added folding petitions, new flooring in the fellowship hall, remodeled our food pantry/kitchen, and so much more over the past few years (remember the pavilion Next Step gifts that allowed us to build it debt free a few years ago?).

Here is a simple prayer list:
  1. Pray for God’s will to be done in the hearts of the many visitors we have had attending recently seeking the Lord in their life, Romans 8:28.
  2. Pray for God’s children to tithe and bring an offering each pay period, Mal. 3:10. If ten people who attend our church today would begin bringing their tithe, just 10% of their income, we could operate completely debt free and make headway for God.
  3. Pray for God to provide for the building committee recommended upgrades. For the audio-visual equipment that needed to be replaced, $2,650; for the auditorium doors and secure hardware (first bid in was $6,655); paint for the auditorium walls, $895 (this is with the church members volunteering to help to do the labor Proverbs 3:5-6).
  4. Pray for God to provide the funds needed to add on to the building classrooms, family center, new flooring/carpeting, parking lot restoration, and other improvements as He leads Ephesians 3:20.
  5. Pray for the Lord to send forth laborers for the fields are white unto harvest John 4:35.
What can you do?
  • Pray.
  • Give a one-time gift this Sunday, March 5, of $10,000 or $5000 or $1000 or $500 or $250, or $100 (whatever God provides).
  • Designate an amount of a gift you will give over the next 52 weeks of $10,000 or $5000 or $1000 or $500 or $250, or $100 on The Next Step commitment card.
  • Attend one more service a week: If you are not regularly attending church, start this month by coming once a week. If you are attending one time a week, come two times. If you are attending two times a week, come three times. If you are attending three times a week, come four times that church is held, Hebrews 10:25. Your attendance helps the church by supporting the services and encourages the pastors and deacons.
  • Volunteer to work in the nursery once a month. Volunteer to sit on the building committee or become a steward over an area of the church.
Thank you in advance for trusting God for The Next Step.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Jackson
Administrative Pastor Joe Jackson
Deacon Jason Barclay
Deacon Dave Comstock
Clerk Virgel Newman
Financial Secretary Marty Livingston
Hospitality Roz Barclay
Building Committee

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